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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > RNA_interference > SBI/Retro Concentin™逆转录病毒浓度试剂/100 mL/RV100A-1-100 mL
商品详细SBI/Retro Concentin™逆转录病毒浓度试剂/100 mL/RV100A-1-100 mL
SBI/Retro Concentin™逆转录病毒浓度试剂/100 mL/RV100A-1-100 mL
SBI/Retro Concentin™逆转录病毒浓度试剂/100 mL/RV100A-1-100 mL
商品编号: RV100A-1-100mL
品牌: System Biosciences
市场价: ¥6580.00
美元价: 3948.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: RNA干扰
公司分类: RNA_interference
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


Increase the infectivity of any retrovirus by concentrating with Retro-Concentin

Quantitatively precipitate any retrovirus with Retro-Concentin™. Instead of using lengthy spins in an ultracentrifuge, Retro-Concentin enables concentration of retroviruses directly from culture medium with a simple one (or an optional two) low-speed centrifugation steps.

In addition, Retro-Concentin stabilizes the retroviruses for frozen storage, providing an additional advantage over other concentration methods.

Each preparation can handle up to 200 mL of retroviral supernatant, which is compatible with most centrifuges, and the resulting pellet can be dissolved in the volume of buffer that meets your experimental requirements.

With Retro-Concentin, you get simple and effective retrovirus concentration:

  • Fast protocol
  • Cost-effective
  • Up to 100-fold concentration of retrovirus particles

How It Works

Retro-Concentin supports a fast, simple, and ultracentrifugation-free workflow

Simply add Retro-Concentin to retrovirus supernatant, incubate at 4°C overnight, and then spin at 1,500g for 30-minutes at 4°C. An optional spin in a microfuge tube at 12,000 rpm for 2 minutes can further concentrate the retrovirus particles.

Supporting Data

Retrovirus particles concentrated with Retro-Concentin are non-toxic and effective at transduction

Figure 1. Retrovirus particles concentrated with Retro-Concentin are non-toxic and effective at transduction. Transduced cells show normal morphology and with no obvious cytotoxicity, and were successfully used for generating induced pluripotent stem cells.


User Manual: Retro-Concentin
Product Sheet: Retro-Concentin Retrovirus Concentration Reagent
Brochure: Gene Delivery and Expression Products and Services


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美国SBI代理 System Biosciences,简称SBI,美国加州湾区新成立的生技公司,致力于独特、创新生物技术之开发,以研发利于基因及蛋白质功能鉴定、研究之崭新方法和工具为宗旨。 现阶段研发重心为RNA干扰(RNAi)研究之相关工具。 System Biosciences (SBI) 致力于开发独特、革新的技术,为客户研究蛋白组学和基因组学功能提供研究工具。SBI 是专业的慢病毒产品公司,提供基于慢病毒 美国SBI代理 ExoQuick and ExoQuick-TC Products Product Size Catalog # ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (5 ml) 75 reactions EXOQ5A-1 ExoQuick Plasma prep and Exosome precipitation kit (5 ml ExoQuick plus 500 ul Thrombin at 500U/mL), replaces EXOQ5TD-1 product 75 reactions EXOQ5TM-1 Thrombin Plasma prep for Exosome precipitation (500 ul at 500U/mL), replaces TDEXO-1 product 100 reactions TMEXO-1 ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (20 ml) 300 reactions EXOQ20A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (10ml) 10 reactions EXOTC10A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (50ml) 50 reactions EXOTC50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 50 ml EXO-FBS-50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 250 ml EXO-FBS-250A-1 ExoQuick-LP Lipoprotein Pre-Clear & Exosome Precipitation Kit 5 reactions EXOLP5A-1
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