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商品详细SBI/Global UltraRapid™慢病毒滴度试剂盒/42反应/LV961A-1-42反应
SBI/Global UltraRapid™慢病毒滴度试剂盒/42反应/LV961A-1-42反应
SBI/Global UltraRapid™慢病毒滴度试剂盒/42反应/LV961A-1-42反应
商品编号: LV961A-1-42Reactions
品牌: System Biosciences
市场价: ¥11260.00
美元价: 6756.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: RNA干扰
公司分类: RNA_interference
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


When you need to know—quickly and easily determine lentiviral titers

With a fast and simple workflow, the Global UltraRapid™ Lentiviral Titering Kit, delivers critical lentiviral titer information so you can move more quickly to the next step, whether that’s transduction of target cells in your own lab or delivery of packaged virus particles to another lab.

  • Fast—get data more quickly than what’s possible with conventional p24 ELISA titer kits (< 3 hours from cells-to-titer!)
  • Accurate—relies on highly quantitative qPCR measurement of lentiviral titers
  • Easy—isolation and/or concentration of genomic DNA is NOT required
  • Quantitative—built-in reference control simplifies normalization.
  • Dynamic—obtain titering quantitation up to 15 MOI
  • Compatible—works with most WPRE-containing lenti-constructs (g. pLVCT-H1, pLVTHM, pGIPz, HiPerform™ and all SBI lentivectors)

How It Works

Directly measure infectivity with no background from inactive virus

The Global UltraRapid Lentiviral Titer Kit rapidly determines the titer of pseudovirus particles by measuring the copy number of integrated lentiviral constructs in transduced target cells. By comparing the ratio of endogenous Ultra Conserved Region 1 (UCR1) DNA elements:lentivector-specific WPRE elements to a calibration curve generated with supplied standards, the Kit delivers highly quantitative measurement of the infectivity of the pseudoviral preparation.

Compatible with most WPRE-containing lentivector constructs—including pLVCT-H1, pLVTHM, pGIPz, HiPerform™ and all SBI lentivectors—the Kit contains all of the components needed to measure the number of endogenous UCR1 DNA elements and pseudo-lentiviral-specific WPRE elements. Even better, because the UCR1 primers are completely compatible with both human and mouse genomes, you can titer from either cell type.

The workflow is quick and simple:

  1. Lyse infected cells (2 minutes at 95°C)
  2. Add qPCR Mastermix from the Kit to the cleared lysate
  3. Run a real-time PCR reaction (2 hours)
  4. Analyze results

Supporting Data

Sample data from different Global UltraRapid Viral Titering Kit experiments

Figure 1. Amplification plot of UCR1 genomic DNA from the included calibration standards.

Figure 2. Dissociation curves of the amplified UCR1 products.

Figure 3. Amplification plot of the WPRE DNA from the calibration standards.

Figure 4. Dissociation curves of the amplified WPRE products.

Figure 5. Amplification plot of a sample experiment.


User Manual: Global UltraRapid Lentiviral Titer Kit
Brochure: Gene Delivery and Expression Products and Services


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  • Liu, T, et al. (2015) Oviduct-specific expression of human neutrophil defensin 4 in lentivirally generated transgenic chickens. PLoS ONE.2015 May 29; 10(5):e0127922. PM ID:26020529
  • Ivacik, D, et al. (2015) Sustained inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication in vivo using RNAi-activating lentiviruses. Gene Ther..2015 Feb 1; 22(2):163-71. PM ID:25338920
  • Yalvac, ME, et al. (2014) VIP-expressing Dendritic Cells Protect Against Spontaneous Autoimmune Peripheral Polyneuropathy.. Mol. Ther..2014 Jul 1; 22(7):1353-1363. PM ID:28153175
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美国SBI代理 System Biosciences,简称SBI,美国加州湾区新成立的生技公司,致力于独特、创新生物技术之开发,以研发利于基因及蛋白质功能鉴定、研究之崭新方法和工具为宗旨。 现阶段研发重心为RNA干扰(RNAi)研究之相关工具。 System Biosciences (SBI) 致力于开发独特、革新的技术,为客户研究蛋白组学和基因组学功能提供研究工具。SBI 是专业的慢病毒产品公司,提供基于慢病毒 美国SBI代理 ExoQuick and ExoQuick-TC Products Product Size Catalog # ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (5 ml) 75 reactions EXOQ5A-1 ExoQuick Plasma prep and Exosome precipitation kit (5 ml ExoQuick plus 500 ul Thrombin at 500U/mL), replaces EXOQ5TD-1 product 75 reactions EXOQ5TM-1 Thrombin Plasma prep for Exosome precipitation (500 ul at 500U/mL), replaces TDEXO-1 product 100 reactions TMEXO-1 ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (20 ml) 300 reactions EXOQ20A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (10ml) 10 reactions EXOTC10A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (50ml) 50 reactions EXOTC50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 50 ml EXO-FBS-50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 250 ml EXO-FBS-250A-1 ExoQuick-LP Lipoprotein Pre-Clear & Exosome Precipitation Kit 5 reactions EXOLP5A-1
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