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System Biosciences(授权代理)
当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > RNA_interference > SBI/TransDux™最大慢病毒转导试剂/100次转导/LV860A-1-100次转导
商品编号: LV860A-1-100Transductions
品牌: System Biosciences
市场价: ¥7500.00
美元价: 4500.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: RNA干扰
公司分类: RNA_interference
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


Be confident in your gene delivery with TransDux MAX™

Whether you’re working with difficult-to-transduce cells like primary T-cells or just want to ensure high transduction efficiency, SBI’s TransDux™ reagents are ready to deliver. Our newer TransDux MAX Lentiviral Transduction Reagent can increase transduction efficiencies by up to 8-fold compared to polybrene, while our original TransDux formulation (Cat# LV850A-1) is still available for researchers who are not yet ready to make the change.

Ensure reliable and efficient gene delivery with TransDux MAX.

  • Efficient—up to 8-fold greater transduction efficiency than polybrene, and 4-fold greater efficiency than standard TransDux reagent as measured by qPCR*
  • Easy-to-use—kit format requires minimal hands-on time (<5 minutes)
  • Non-toxic—no need to change out media after infection
  • Versatile—works with all types of packaged lentivirus
  • Flexible—enhances transduction efficiency in a wide variety of cell lines
  • Broadly compatible—does not interfere with downstream gene expression or functional assays

*Based on infection of HT1080 cells with the pre-packaged virus format of SBI’s BLIV 2.0 reporter MSCV-Luciferase-EF1a-copGFP-T2A-Puro (Cat# BLIV713VA-1) and the appropriate conditions for polybrene, TransDux, and TransDux MAX. Virus transduction & integration efficiency was measured using SBI’s Global UltraRapid™ Titering Kit (Cat #LV961A-1)

How It Works

Take your transduction efficiencies to a whole new level

TransDux MAX comes in an easy-to-use, two component format (TransDux and MAX Enhancer) good for 100 transduction reactions*. Simply mix both reagents into conditioned media from target cells (Figure 1), and infect with your lentivirus of choice for a higher level of transduction efficiency.

Figure 1. TransDux MAX has a quick and easy workflow.

*One reaction is defined as treating 500 µl of conditioned media in a single well of 24-well plate

Supporting Data

Maximize transduction efficiencies with TransDux MAX

Figure 2. TransDux MAX delivers even higher transduction efficiencies than the original TransDux reagent. SBI’s BLIV713 pre-packaged lentivirus (CMV-Luciferase-EF1a-copGFP-T2A-Puro) was transduced into HT1080 cells using either TransDux MAX, TransDux, or polybrene. Cells were imaged for GFP expression 72-hours post-infection. (Left panel) Microscopy of transduced cells. (Right panel) qPCR-based quantitation of virus infectivity. TransDux MAX provides 4-fold higher infectivity than the original TransDux Reagent, and 8-fold higher infectivity than polybrene.

Figure 3. TransDux MAX delivers high transduction efficiencies across a broad range of cell types. Transduction of SBI’s LV605 pre-packaged virus (MSCV-GFP-T2A-RFP) into various cell lines (HT1080, HepG2, and Jurkat T-cells). Cells were imaged for RFP expression 72-hours post-infection. TransDux MAX clearly delivers more RFP-positive cells than TransDux in all three cell lines tested.

Figure 4. TransDux MAX works with hard-to-transduce lentivectors. Transduction of a custom lentivirus construct expressing GFP and a transgene-of-interest into HT1080 cells using either TransDux MAX (left panel) or the original TransDux reagent (right panel). Cells were imaged for GFP expression 72-hours post-infection. TransDux MAX is able to deliver transduced cells even when the lentivector is too difficult for the original TransDux reagent to transduce.


User Manual: TransDux MAX
Brochure: Gene Delivery and Expression Products and Services
美国SBI代理 System Biosciences,简称SBI,美国加州湾区新成立的生技公司,致力于独特、创新生物技术之开发,以研发利于基因及蛋白质功能鉴定、研究之崭新方法和工具为宗旨。 现阶段研发重心为RNA干扰(RNAi)研究之相关工具。 System Biosciences (SBI) 致力于开发独特、革新的技术,为客户研究蛋白组学和基因组学功能提供研究工具。SBI 是专业的慢病毒产品公司,提供基于慢病毒 美国SBI代理 ExoQuick and ExoQuick-TC Products Product Size Catalog # ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (5 ml) 75 reactions EXOQ5A-1 ExoQuick Plasma prep and Exosome precipitation kit (5 ml ExoQuick plus 500 ul Thrombin at 500U/mL), replaces EXOQ5TD-1 product 75 reactions EXOQ5TM-1 Thrombin Plasma prep for Exosome precipitation (500 ul at 500U/mL), replaces TDEXO-1 product 100 reactions TMEXO-1 ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (20 ml) 300 reactions EXOQ20A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (10ml) 10 reactions EXOTC10A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (50ml) 50 reactions EXOTC50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 50 ml EXO-FBS-50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 250 ml EXO-FBS-250A-1 ExoQuick-LP Lipoprotein Pre-Clear & Exosome Precipitation Kit 5 reactions EXOLP5A-1
QQ :1570468124