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System Biosciences(授权代理)
当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > RNA_interference > SBI/mRNAExpress™mRNA合成试剂盒/5反应/MR-Kit-1-5反应
商品编号: MR-KIT-1-5Reactions
品牌: System Biosciences
市场价: ¥20680.00
美元价: 12408.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: RNA干扰
公司分类: RNA_interference
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


Efficiently generate mRNAs

When you want instant expression after transfection into cells, deliver your gene-of-interest as an mRNA made with SBI’s mRNAExpress™ mRNA Synthesis Kit. Designed to generate in vitro transcripts for transfection of mammalian cells, micro-injection into oocytes, in vitro translation, and other related applications, this high-yield kit can produce 20-40 µg of high-quality mRNAs in one standard reaction, and comes with a number of performance-enhancing features:

  • Leverages the robust T7 RNA Polymerase
  • Incorporates an anti-reverse cap analog (ARCA) into the transcript to increase translation efficiency
  • Reduces host cell immune response and enhances stability by incorporating modified nucleotides (5-Methylcytidine-5′-Triphosphate and Pseudouridine-5′-Triphosphate) and a poly-A tail
  • Degrades the DNA template after RNA synthesis with the included DNase
  • Removes the 5′ triphosphates at the end of the RNA with the included phosphatase to further reduce innate immune responses in mammalian cells
  • Employs a robust clean-up spin column system that delivers high yields of mRNAs that are ready for most downstream applications

The Kit includes the following reagents that are critical in vitro transcription:

  • pMRNAXP mRNAExpress Vector so you can clone and then transcribe your cDNA-of-interest
  • Sequencing primers to confirm the identity of the cDNA insert cloned into the pMRNAXP Vector
  • Tail PCR primer mix to add a poly-A tail to the DNA template
  • In vitro transcription reagents—T7 RNA polymerase, in vitro transcription buffer, NTP/Cap mix, RNase-free DNase, phosphatase buffer and RNase-free phosphatase
  • Clean-up spin column system, including binding, wash, and elution buffers, collection tubes, and collection tubes with filter cartridges

How It Works

The mRNAExpress mRNA Synthesis Kit workflow

The mRNAExpress mRNA Synthesis Kit has a straightforward workflow:

  1. Clone the cDNA of your gene-of-interest in the pMRNAXP mRNAExpress Vector (included in the Kit, but also available separately, # MR000PA-1)
  2. Tail-PCR amplify the in vitro transcription template from the pMRNAXP Vector with your insert cloned in. The tail PCR reaction adds a poly-A tail to the DNA template. Purify the template using a spin column.
  3. Perform the in vitro transcription reaction (uses the ARCA and modified nucleotides)
  4. Remove the template DNA and the terminal 5′ triphosphates with the included DNase and phosphatase.
  5. Prepare the mRNA transcripts for transfection with the included clean-up spin column system.
  6. Measure the mRNA concentration and you are ready for transfection.

Supporting Data

Get instant expression when you deliver mRNAs made with the mRNAExpress Vector mRNA Synthesis Kit

Figure 1. Strong GFP and RFP expression after transfection with mRNAs made with the mRNAExpress Vector mRNA Synthesis Kit. GFP and RFP mRNAs generated using the mRNAExpress mRNA Synthesis Kit were transfected into human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs) using 1 µg of each mRNA per 24-well plate of cells.


User Manual: mRNAExpress Synthesis Kit
Protocol: mRNAExpress with RNAFection
Product Sheet: mRNAExpress Synthesis Kit
Brochure: Gene Delivery and Expression Products and Services
美国SBI代理 System Biosciences,简称SBI,美国加州湾区新成立的生技公司,致力于独特、创新生物技术之开发,以研发利于基因及蛋白质功能鉴定、研究之崭新方法和工具为宗旨。 现阶段研发重心为RNA干扰(RNAi)研究之相关工具。 System Biosciences (SBI) 致力于开发独特、革新的技术,为客户研究蛋白组学和基因组学功能提供研究工具。SBI 是专业的慢病毒产品公司,提供基于慢病毒 美国SBI代理 ExoQuick and ExoQuick-TC Products Product Size Catalog # ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (5 ml) 75 reactions EXOQ5A-1 ExoQuick Plasma prep and Exosome precipitation kit (5 ml ExoQuick plus 500 ul Thrombin at 500U/mL), replaces EXOQ5TD-1 product 75 reactions EXOQ5TM-1 Thrombin Plasma prep for Exosome precipitation (500 ul at 500U/mL), replaces TDEXO-1 product 100 reactions TMEXO-1 ExoQuick serum exosome precipitation solution (20 ml) 300 reactions EXOQ20A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (10ml) 10 reactions EXOTC10A-1 ExoQuick-TC for Tissue Culture Media and Urine (50ml) 50 reactions EXOTC50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 50 ml EXO-FBS-50A-1 Exosome-depleted FBS Media Supplement - USA Certified 250 ml EXO-FBS-250A-1 ExoQuick-LP Lipoprotein Pre-Clear & Exosome Precipitation Kit 5 reactions EXOLP5A-1
QQ :1570468124